
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

You Saw It

I hope your ready for some raging! My biggest pet peeve...Incorrect grammar. It drives me up the wall! I'll be sitting in class freaking out in my head because the people around me don't know how to talk. Seriously, have you ever actually listened during English class, ever. It's very simple. People are constantly saying "I seen this" or "I seen that". No...I'm pretty sure you SAW IT. We were playing football in gym class and people were arguing about tagging someone. Then, of course, someone says..."I seen them do it". I couldn't help myself, so then I said, "No, I'm pretty sure you SAW it!" Oh the looks I got. But, I honestly didn't care. One way you can tell that I'm mad, I correct your grammar out loud instead of in my head.

Well, I have to go get ready for Awards night. I'll write tomorrow and tell you all about it...

Correcting your grammar,

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Chirp, Chirp! Coffee!

Hey, Jules here. Rage of the day is, of course, birds. I'm mean, who really likes birds? Definitely not this girl. The most annoying thing about them is the fact that they never shut their beaks! Seriously, I'm sitting here trying to blog for the entertainment of others and the birds outside my window are going nuts! It was literally like a million birds were sitting on my windowsill chirping at me! It's like "Chirp! Chirp! Come outside! Chirp! Chirp! Come outside! Chirp Chirp!" And then you have me looking like a crazy person because I'm running around my house raging about birds. The only bird I can actually stand is a Mockingjay...And those aren't actual birds! Well, I can stand fat baby birds, but when they open their mouths I hate them as well. Well, that's my raging...

Okay, so yesterday after practice (I'm on a Pom squad) some of us went to McDonalds. I, of course, got a mocha frappe. I probably shouldn't have since it was late, but I don't always make the best decisions when it comes to sugar :) I was so excited because I haven't had one in a while. In my head I was like those stupid birds outside my window. "Chirp! Chirp! Coffee! Chirp! Chirp!" Then, I went home and ate three absolutely delicious s'mores. Most people wouldn't eat those after having an iced mocha coffee...But, whatever, that's just me :)

"Do what you feel in your heart to be right - for you'll be criticized anyway."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Listening To the Chirping Birds,

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Just A Little Faster

There's one topic that we need to discuss right now. Hallways, and how people apparently can't walk in them. It's like seriously people could you walk a little faster. Some of us care if we get to class on time, so if you could please honor our wish and get out of the way! You could also be courteous and not get in front of me and completely stop. You don't need to come to a complete stand still in the hallway to talk to your friend. Have you ever heard of walking and talking...multi tasking isn't that hard. Alright, that's my rage for now.

Now to the positive side of things. Books. I absolutely positively love them. Their presence makes me happy :) So, I just finished reading a book in the Charlie Bone series. It was titled "Charlie Bone and the Beast". They aren't my favorite books, but they're still pretty good. The children have forms of magic, so it reminds me a little of Harry Potter. They're definitely not as good, but come on. What's as good as Harry Potter? My only response to that is The Hunger Games. I have come to the conclusion that no book is ever going to be as good as the Hunger Games series. I have come to accept that. Back to the topic. A friend asked me if I liked it my exact words were, "It reminds me of Harry Potter, so it makes me a little happier". My advice, give these books a chance, they get better along the way.

Well going to practice,

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

To Get Started

Hello world of the bloggers. My name is Jules and I'll be your guide through the insane world of an ordinary girl. This blog will be meant for many things, but mostly ranting and raving. Yes, I'm a girl so I rant about weird things, but it's to be expected. There are a few things you should know first. I'm very silly and quite sarcastic. Many people call me a published author. I'm not really. Yes, my book is published and can be bought, but I don't consider myself an author, but it's better than being called a nerd every day, so I'll take it. Not that I still don't get called a nerd every day. I do, but not as much. It's like they're intimidated by the fact that I can write a whole book and they can barely write a paragraph, but whatever...That's just me.

I love reading, so you'll often see me talking about books. The discussion may vary from the "Latest and Greatest" to the "No Words Can Explain How Bad That Book Was! It Shouldn't Even Be Called A Book". Friends, foes, and the latest school drama will most definitely be mentioned. I'll also write some reviews for the latest book I read, song I heard, movie or TV show I saw. You can also expect an inspiring quote because that's what I'm all about...Inspiring people with quotes I found on the internet. 

Well, I hope you enjoyed my blog.

"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose." -Dr. Seuss

Eating some mini marshmallows,