
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

You Saw It

I hope your ready for some raging! My biggest pet peeve...Incorrect grammar. It drives me up the wall! I'll be sitting in class freaking out in my head because the people around me don't know how to talk. Seriously, have you ever actually listened during English class, ever. It's very simple. People are constantly saying "I seen this" or "I seen that". No...I'm pretty sure you SAW IT. We were playing football in gym class and people were arguing about tagging someone. Then, of course, someone says..."I seen them do it". I couldn't help myself, so then I said, "No, I'm pretty sure you SAW it!" Oh the looks I got. But, I honestly didn't care. One way you can tell that I'm mad, I correct your grammar out loud instead of in my head.

Well, I have to go get ready for Awards night. I'll write tomorrow and tell you all about it...

Correcting your grammar,


  1. Hey Jules! I love your blog! Me and my friend love it and we were wondering how you got it so cool? Like with the different pages at the top. And how do you change the title color? Lol we are such beginners!

  2. Thanks! When you're logged in, go to design, then customize, and then it gives you a bunch of things to choose from :)
